Book Oblivion

Reading community

The heartbeat of Book Oblivion is our creative reading community. Join generous readers from all over the world for live online discussions.

Great Books

Connect literature and philosophy with mythology and history through our great books lifetime reading program.

Read Habits

Create life-giving reading habits that transform readers from the inside out. 

How to Read More by Creating a Reading Habit

“Ah, how good it is to be among people who are reading.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Read With Us

A Global Reading Community

Book Oblivion

For curious minds who love to discover the hidden influences in literature and philosophy, Book Oblivion offers live lectures and discussions throughout the year for readers all over the world. 

Our online reading community of passionate readers brings together diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and literary and philosophical interests. 

Instructors passionate about reading and gifted in leading conversations in unique areas like philosophy, rhetoric, theology, the craft of writing, economics, science, technology, math, literature, and reading will guide us through these difficult and timely books. 

Members of our community are insatiably curious and motivated to read, learn, and create everything from conversations to painting to fiction and beyond.  

Our reading community is academic in nature but we ditch the assignments, the jargon, and the imposter syndrome and emphasize conversation, friendship, and creativity.

Book Oblivion participants exercise intellectual humility and curiosity and are meet to kick back and talk about challenging books. 

Live talks

We host one live talk a month or season for each reading group. Participants unable to attend are able to watch the recording after.

Community Forum

We connect in our community forum, posting articles, sharing thoughts, and staying engaged with the books and each other.

supplemental resources

Articles, videos, reading guides, podcasts and more, including specific reading strategies to aid comprehension.

Reading schedules

Read along with our community by sticking to the recommended pages for each book that are broken down by week, month, and season.

Book Oblivion - Reading Toward Life