My Favorite Female Authors

Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience.” ~Mary Wollstonecraft By Jessica S. Manuel Today is International Women’s Day. I feel the same about today that I do about Earth Day: we should celebrate our female accomplishments everyday. Nonetheless, I want to carve out some mental space to […]

Introducing the Reading Beyond Murakami Course Series

Reading Beyond Murakami Course Series Book Oblivion

I’m excited to introduce a brand new way to engage with Haruki Murakami’s mind-bending stories. The Reading Beyond Murakami Course Series is a systematic approach to understanding the author in a whole new way. Life-long learners will delight in learning and re-learning what makes literature so profound. The first course launches March 20 and is an in-depth look […]

Behind the Author | Therese Anne Fowler

Behind the Author | Therese Anne Fowler

We’ve been reading through Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald together with the Book Oblivion community this fall. Reading books in a community, whether it’s with one friend, my book club, a church community group, or my husband, brings such joy to my heart. Instead of breezing through the book and forgetting half of what […]

Frankenstein Ballet

Frankenstein Ballet

To celebrate the Halloween season, I went to my very first ballet. It wasn’t just any ballet, though. I got to see one of my favorite gothic novels, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, performed before my very eyes. Watching the Frankenstein Ballet was incredible but appreciating story told through dance is something that will stay with […]

Women & Madness in Literature & Life

Women and Madness in Life and Literature

“I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found. By reading the writings of the most interesting minds in history, we meditate with our own minds and theirs as well. This to me is a miracle.” ~R.D. Laing Zelda Fitzgerald At book club a few weeks […]

Reading Beyond Murakami

Like many of you, I no longer hold my breath for Murakami to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. For some reason, they don’t see the brilliance or the depth in his work. Every year I hope for it, and every year I am disappointed. I’ve read some pretty depressing articles that try to explain […]

Zelda’s Heart Was of July

Zelda's Heart Was of July

Hey there, book club! If you’re reading along with us this fall, you probably just arrived in New York City with Zelda. First stop? A Catholic Church to marry Scott of course! I’m thankful they actually tie the knot. After reading about their romantic beginnings, I was really rooting for them. Despite knowing they got […]

A Banned Books List That Might Surprise You

Banned Books Week

“Any book worth banning is a book worth reading.” Isaac Asimov This is a big week for book lovers all over the world. We celebrate the freedom to read not only commonly banned books but all books without censorship. Schools all over the world, including right here in the United States, censor the written word […]

When Nietzsche Wept and the Christian Faith

When Nietzsche Wept Book Cover

Time cannot be broken; that is our greatest burden. And our greatest challenge is to live in spite of that burden.” Last night I read past my bedtime to finish a remarkable book. For some reason When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel of Obsession by Irvin D. Yalom was never on my radar before a few months […]