“In this world, there are things you can do alone, and things you can do with somebody else. It’s important you combine the two in just the right amount.”

~Haruki Murakami

Murakami Reading Group

The opportunity to read and study Haruki Murakami is here. Reading Beyond Murakami is one of Book Oblivion’s online course series. In these courses, we dive into Haruki Murakami’s mind-bending stories. Not only do we read the fiction itself, we delve into the theories and philosophies informing the stories. Our Murakami Reading Group is focusing on reading through every novel and short story he has written.

This reading group is a year-long experience that invites readers to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Throughout the year, you’ll read 11 short stories, 5 novels, and 3 essays. I know when I start Haruki Murakami’s works, I can’t stop. You’re in luck because the materials presented are self-paced. You are welcome to work through the materials as quickly as you like.

Ready to read? ENROLL NOW.

Murakami Reading Group Book Oblivion