10 Books I Can’t Wait to Get My Eyes


“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”

Mortimer J. Adler

This isn’t your typical to-be-read list. These new books span a variety of areas, including education, fiction, philosophy, spirituality, minimalism, and more. Be on the lookout for some fantastic new releases. If you get a chance to read any of these titles, let us know what you think. 

Inside Graduate Admission: Merit, Diversity, and Faculty Gatekeeping by Julie R. Posselt | January 11Inside Graduate Admissions

The Book of Memory by Petina Gappah | February 2The Book of Memory

Piece of Mind by Michelle Adelman | February 8Piece of Mind

The Tides of the Mind: Uncovering the Spectrum of Consciousness by David Gelernter | February 22The Tides of the Mind

A Peculiar Glory: How the Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness by John Piper | March 31A Peculiar Glory


Soul Friends: What Every Woman Needs to Grow in Her Faith by Leslie Parrott | March 31Soul Friends

Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind, and Soul by Ruth Soukoup | April 5 

I’ve had the privilege of reading an advanced review copy of this gem. You can check out my review here.



Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ by Andrew David Naselli and J.D. Crowley | April 30Conscience


Education and the Commercial Mindset by Samuel E. Abrams | May 2Education and the Commercial Mindset


Zero K by Don DeLillo | May 10Zero K


10 Books I Can\'t Wait to Get My Eyes

29 thoughts on “10 Books I Can’t Wait to Get My Eyes”

  1. This is a great list! I’m currently working my way through Congo by Michael Crichton and Eeny Meeny by M.J. Alridge. I’m adding these to my amazon list!

    1. Agreed! And Unstuffed is Ruth’s best book yet. I was able to read an advanced review copy. I had until April to read it to write my review, but I couldn’t wait!

  2. I think I will have to check out, “Piece Of Mind”, after seeing your post, I went and read a couple of synopsis & it looks pretty good.

    1. Agreed! I’m a sucker for books about the mind, and I love exploring it through fiction, which is why I’m a sucker for Murakami. Definitely let me know what you think if you read it.

  3. I’m a total bookworm so I love new reading suggestions! I hadn’t heard of most of these, except for Ruth Soukup’s new book which I am excited to read. Thanks for sharing!

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